What do these logos mean?


The Tree

Our plan focuses on the potential of landscape and this logo illustrates that focus. Urban trees effectively reduce heat-island, stormwater run-off, and air pollution. Additionally, urban trees have been shown to improve property values and business profits.


The Pin

When we find a great spot, a new or old favorite, we drop a pin and share with friends. Our plan puts an emphasis on placemaking highlighting the best of what makes Ravenna unique. From new wayfinding signage and outdoor seating to small flexible spaces that allow and encourage new activities and amenities.


The Flag

As the county seat, Ravenna has a broad range of civic buildings, institutions, and spaces. This logo references the historic flagpole on the Courthouse lawn as just such a civic landmark as our plan develops civic spaces where the community can gather, honor, and participate.


The Bike

The Portage County Multi-use trail is a transformative recreational amenity connecting Ravenna to parks and communities throughout the area. Our project looks at potential connections within town that would offer residents and visitors new mobility and easier access and direction.


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